Charlotte Sometimes

There's some rants.

Wednesday, December 20, 2000

Droog4's Whacky Goofy Loony Idea: Forgiveness

There's a movement to ask Bill Clinton to release a lot of non-violent drug-bust federal prisoners before he leaves office, as part of Jubilee. E-mail the dewd. I'm now convinced that the War on Drugs is just Newspeak for Ethnic Cleansing.

Bush, the compassionate conservative who snuffs retarded and mentally ill people, certainly won't do it.

So it's these last few weeks of Clinton's term, or it won't happen at all.

Jubilee, Amnesty, Forgiveness -- whatever you want to call it -- it's an idea we need to bring back to society before we slide into the Black Hole of Vengeance bigtime. 600 USA clergypeople (including Bill's own Methodist minister) just wrote Clinton asking him to Do It.

You know I'm always squawking that the USA is now the world's leader in prisoners, with more than 2,000,000 men, women and children behind bars. (Ask me for my bitchin awesome 2,000,000 Prisoners t-shirt design! Free!) How the fuck did The Land of the Free ever get this way?

When I went to the Philadelphia Shadow Convention, my buddy and I rode a charter bus full of the family members -- wives, little kids, grandmas -- of people in New York prisons for decades under the Rockefeller mandatory-minimum drug laws. Rapists and murderers routinely get released before Rockefeller Law prisoners. To say it was heartbreaking doesn't even come close to what this bus ride was like.

Just once I wish a president would make THIS kind of terrible mistake and give a lot of junkies and single mothers with lousy romantic judgment a break. I'd really feel proud of America if Bill left office declaring a big amnesty. (The reason We're Number One! is that the sneaky Russians declared an amnesty and let 200,000 people out of their gulags in 1999.)

If you like the idea, PLEASE take a little time and e-mail the dewd, not much time left. Don't let it Not Happy just 'cause we forgot to express our opinions.

We thank you for your support. Droog4 Elmer Elevator's Discount Prep: posted by charlotte for Droog4

Saturday, December 02, 2000

Presidential Election Law

Friday, December 01, 2000

Seattle Indymedia -
The war of the WTO marches on... and look... the Miranda is being violated in Washington as well! What happened to the Bill of Rights? What happened to the 5th Amendment?